FPL Challenge is back! Five changes we’re set to see in 2024/25

Like an academy product finding their feet in a debut season, it’s fair to say Fantasy Premier League (FPL) managers were not quite sure what to make of FPL Challenge when it arrived ‘off the bench’ towards the end of 2023/24.

The game nonetheless managed to pique decent interest and reach over one million players in its initial trial period.

It did away with restrictions like pricing and centred on specific weekly variations to the usual FPL rule set (such as double points for players from certain clubs), as well as employing a ‘rolling deadline’ approach, during which you could keep changing players right up till kick-off of each fixture.

Now, however, it looks like the game makers at the Premier League have taken on board plenty of learnings, had a full pre-season in training and returned with something very different that looks like it could be a ‘real player’ for the 2024/25 campaign!

The full story is unveiled on the FPL site, along with reaction from our very own Sam Bonfield, but let’s have a look at some of the main developments.

The Main Events… Over 5 Gameweeks

One major new format change is the ability to compete in and win ‘events’, essentially a group of collectively themed Gameweeks in which your points add up as you compete for a trophy over a shorter timeframe than the full season game.

To kick things off, they’ve given the example of a five-a-side event, where the ‘theme’ is that you can only pick five players for each Gameweek.

In each of the four weeks, there are also other restrictions to consider.

FFS Verdict: This seems like a smart way to maintain engagement for short periods of time and allow both existing Fantasy managers and new arrivals, who may get distracted, to be able to drop in and out but still be able to enjoy the game.

Fantasy Challenge 2024

Playing The (Season) Long Game

Purists will be relieved to understand that, alongside the shorter ‘event’ challenges, you will also be able to compete in a more familiar manner with season-long mini-leagues that aggregate the points as you go.

It appears these will operate in the same way as current FPL mini-leagues, allowing you to join global competitions or compete against a closer group of friends.

FFS Verdict: This is a welcome addition, but pretty much what the hardcore player would expect.

Fantasy Challenge 2024

Playing for the Badge

One addition that feels like a nod to the world of video games is the addition of rank badges, which effectively serve as a rating of performance in each event as well as a virtual trophy cabinet for achievements.

Depending on how well you’ve performed (and what percentile of players you’re in), you’ll get a different award that’s then attached to your FPL Challenge profile. Everyone who takes part will get the ‘bronze’ (a bit like school sports day participation award) but only the more hardcore (or very lucky) managers will have the ‘elite’, ‘world class’ or ‘legend’ crest!

And that’s not the end of it. Finish multiple challenges at a specific level and you’ll also add stars to your rank for even more exclusive bragging rights. A bit like the stars for winning international tournaments!

FFS Verdict: Another good addition, especially for fans of EAFC – nice to have another metric to track the high points as opposed to just a league position.

Fantasy Challenge 2024

Points Make Prizes!

If virtual badges of honour were not enough incentive, the promise of actual real-world prizes could tip a few more managers into the Challenge world.

In the earlier days of FPL, the prize level had been the subject of some gentle sarcasm (‘oh great, a stressball!’) but in recent seasons, this has improved dramatically to include 7-night holidays, match tickets, PL shirts, headphones, watches, laptops, EAFC games and exclusive FPL merch.

Whilst the details were relatively sparse in the announcement, the promise to at least match this level of prizes seems to suggest there’ll be a lot more chances to win something decent.

FFS Verdict: Let’s face it, very few of us are really playing this game for the chance to win a prize, but a little extra incentive really can’t hurt and an FPL rucksack does sound pretty cool!

There’s No Substitute

One final technical change to the game which will differentiate further from FPL (and deny some of the cheeky workarounds that certain managers employed) is the removal of the bench AND the vice captaincy elements from the game entirely. Players can now only pick a maximum of 11 starting players – or indeed far less during the starting five-a-side Gameweek event).

FFS Verdict: Whilst we obviously do enjoy a loophole to exploit in any Fantasy game, I think we probably have to say ‘it’s a fair cop gov’ on this one and accept it’s in the best interests of a level playing field.

Final Score

Of course the proof of any game comes in the actual playing but, much like Sam, we welcome pretty much everything we’ve heard here and are certainly going to be adding FPL Challenge to our starting line-up for the new season – alongside newcomer Fantasy EFL, UEFA Champions League Fantasy, and of course FPL itself.

We’ll also be providing all Scout readers, subscribers and of course FFS Premium Members with the very best analysis, data, tips, tools and team reveals we possibly can.

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Our special pre-season package is a 40% discount to our full-price Premium Membership, so for only £3.25 per month (billed annually), you get access to our unique Premium Members Area and the official Premier League data in it.

This offer will soon cease, so sign up while you can!